How do you make perfect segmented rings that are ready to glue? And how do you fix the segments if they are not perfect?

Note this vase is made with layers of wood rings and each ring is constructed individually with precisely cut segments. So, how do you make the segments fit together perfectly?

Each of these segmented rings, the angles are cut at exactly the correct angle. For example: If there are 16 segments in the ring then the angle needs to be 11 degrees. If there are 12 segments the angle needs to be 15 degrees and if there are 8 segments the angle is 22.5 degrees.
Cutting precise angles like these requires a tool made for it. I chose this miter sled from Rockler Woodworking, and it has become one of my favorite tools:
Customer Reviews:
In a few of the reviews on the web about this sled, by far the majority of customers were very happy. Many of the individuals who did have complaints cited slop in the guide rail that sets in the slots of the table saw. My table saw is a General International and the sled fits perfectly.
A couple of others cited inaccurate angles. Here I would suggest that perhaps the setup may need calibrating.
The following video explains how to calibrate the sled and use it to make the rings for a salad bowl:
Now there is always a possibility that you need to fine tune the segments. The next video show how to make and use a sanding jig that helps with that:
Click here Additional project ideas:
Please let me know of any suggestions you have for cutting your perfect segments.